Air operated drum pumps.

Spillrite 2024 buy

The Spillrite air operated drum pumps is the next generation of pneumatic drum vacuum pump made famous by the Vacteck Dragin pump. Spillrite now manufactures the dragin pump style of air operated vacuum pump in a more robust and powerful model. With much less sound signature than the old Dragin pump the new Spillrite air operated Drum Pump is a welcome addition to the range of air powered vacuums.

Air operated drum pump kit inclusions:

Drum Pump 40 Drum pump kit 2018

The air operated drum pump is designed to screw into a 55 gallon/44 gallon drum turning it into a powerful vacuum cleaner. This vacuum pump evacuates the air inside the drum when the compressed air is attached and then allows this air operated drum pump to suck up all of your oil, chemical, fuels, diesel, water, bilge, mud and all solids suspended in fluid.

The air operated drum pumps come in many different air supply versions and different power levels.

Air operated Two way drum pump and vacuum-Reversible Drum Vac fit on top of 55 gallon drums or Australian 205 litre drums.

The Spillrite air operated two way 55 gallon drum pump reversible drum vac can fill up a 205 litre 55 gallon steel drum in under 90 seconds using the smallest system in the range. The 28 cfm model is the lowest air consumption in the 55 gallon drum pump range. The unique design of the reverse system means it is impossible to over pressurise the drum as the excess pressure is released through the exhaust. With no moving parts there are no springs that can be jammed and cause the system to break or worse, over pressurise the drum with catastrophic results. The Spillrite system uses larger vacuum intakes than the competing models which provide superior power. With a mild steel silencer shroud installed on the drum lid the whole power unit is protected and offers advanced silencing without taking away from the suction power.

Air operated high power drum lid vacuum.

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Benefits of the Spillrite Air Operate Drm Lid Vacuum.